1970-01-12, 7:53 p.m.

Hey - I cried during Sex and the City last night, too! Of course I had several beers in me, but the preshow that showed all the clips of the girls together made me bawl. And miss my friends. I started watching Sex and the City when I moved away from all my real friends, to smalltown Iowa, where there's no one my age. And I broke up with my bf, and my mom sent me the first season to cheer me up. After that, I bought all of the other seasons on DVD, and would just watch them repeatedly. It's really pathetic, but I started feeling like they were my friends, and I would just have an episode on so I wouldn't feel so lonely sometimes. And it was sad to see them all going their separate ways.

Then I cried at the end, when it showed Mr. Big's name. Because that is my bf's name, and I've really been pondering how the long distance thing is going, and whether he's really The One. So it seemed sort of significant to me, but that was ruined when I tried to call him and tell him about it and I got cut off, and then he called back and said he couldn't talk but would call today, when he got back to Iowa (he's in California right now). So today I will have to have the talk with him, that I don't feel like I'm a priority, and that he's not trying hard enough, like he said he would (he hasn't been here in over a month). I feel like I'm doing everything, and I'm the one with a job that requires me to work about 70 hours a week, and I'm exhausted. So I don't know what will happen.

Oh, screwed up this weekend, as usual. 158 this morning. Haven't gotten back on track yet. Parent/teacher conferences tonight, and then I'll try to run. Wednesday I plan on getting a gym membership. Some girlfriends may come visit this weekend for a Sex in the City party. That would be nice. I am muy lonely.

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