2004-01-05, 5:12 p.m.

I have this growing animosity towards this boy I dated a couple of months ago... I hesitate to even call him my ex-boyfriend, because our relationship was never really defined as such. But the fact is, we dated while I was broken up with John, and we were intimate for several months. But anyway, I got back together with John and that was the end of that. Background info on this guy (I'll call him Steve): he is my age, 23, and works about 80 hours a week (at least). He has 3 jobs and a son. He had his son with this girl he'd been seeing for about 7 years, but they kept breaking up and getting back together. Anyway, it annoyed me because he kept standing me up because he worked so much. He would fall asleep when he was supposed to call me or come over, or have to work overtime, so I never saw him. Which is one of the reasons I broke up with him. Anyway, after I got back together with John, he evidently decided to get back with his ucky ex. And I guess, over Christmas break, he PROPOSED to her. This just grosses me out. He lied to her and told her all we ever did was kiss, and told her that he saw the light (not that I dumped him). So why does this bother me so much? I don't know. I mean, I know I'm not the mother of his child or anything, but it just makes me feel like some insignificant nothing or some slut that he can't talk about. Argh. But whatever. I won't see him much anyway. Not that I ever did when I WAS seeing him.

More important stuff: I weighed less this morning when I weighed in, and I have so far eaten 825 calories:

Scrambled egg whites and veggies


Granola Bar

Healthy Choice Soup

Carrot Sticks


Fat free yogurt

I am feeling good, proud of myself. One of my coworkers e-mailed and asked if I wanted to drink beer tonight, but I thought about it and responded nay - I have a bunch of grading to do, and I need to work out. So I am at school, and going to get some stuff ready for tomorrow and post some grades. My legs are sore from running 4 miles yesterday, so I took some Motrin and will go running when the halls empty out. Ugh, those research papers are just laying there, mocking me!!! And I've got 3 classes of journals to correct! And a test on Lord of the Flies to write, not to mention a study guide! All before next Tuesday!!!!! (Deep breaths)

OK, I will go be productive now. Really.

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