1970-01-01, 2:24 p.m.

Uggghhh, I feel so baddddd....

Yesterday we finally had a whole day at school (unimpeded by snow days), and I stayed till freaking 8:30 getting my audition packets put together and my vocabulary test made up. It was a rough 13 hour day, and I was starving by the time I got home.

Silly me, though, I have no food. I ended up eating tuna out of a can and some Healthy Pop popcorn. And a couple of glasses of wine! All of this while watching "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance" or whatever it's called. Then I watched part of "Average Joe" (hee hee it was funny when they made the boat blow up on the date) and band teacher ended up calling me to come out. His navy buddies are all in town because they are playing a concert at the school today. So I went out to the local establishment, drank beer out of a pitcher with the guys for a while, heard a guy talk for ages about the TRUTH about "don't ask, don't tell," and band teacher came back for a beer. I was very careful to make it clear that that was ALL that was going on. It makes it so uncomfortable when he talks about how he's attracted to me. Bleh! So we had a couple, and he went home around 1. I finished my popcorn, drank 2 glasses of water, took 2 Motrin (wasn't sure if that would work, but I didn't have any aspirin or anything), and conked out. So I don't feel completely horrible today - only slightly.

The navy guys said they were going to embarass me somehow at the concert. I will let you know what happens. I just told them, whatever they did, to not make me sing, because I am tone deaf. Tonight are the auditions. I won't have a chance for dinner, but maybe that's a good thing. Just hope I'm feeling better by then, because I've got like 3 hours of auditions scheduled.

Yay Tuesday. I can't wait till Friday.

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