5 miles
2004-01-12, 6:09 p.m.

Happy joy fun. I just ran 5 miles to make up for the slackerish weekend. It was kind of funny because I ran outside on the track, and there was a guy running on the opposite side of me, and he would run a lap and do pushups, and then run another lap. I guess it wasn't that funny, but I was just proud that I outran him.

God, I never get anything done. I still have to make that test and finish the research papers. But for real, I have to do it tonight because the kids are taking that test tomorrow and I have to hand the research papers back tomorrow. When the seniors are done with their speeches, I'm going to show them the substitute episode of My So-Called Life. Just because I like it. But it's on DVD, so I'll have to bring in my Playstation 2 and hook it up to the TV in here. I'm kind of nervous that the kids will do something bad to my PS2. Oh, well, if worst comes to worst, we'll read aloud research papers for extra credit. They always like doing that (heh heh).

Talked to the bf today. He said he wants to cut down on drinking a bit. Thank goodness. I drink way too much when we drink. And it's just extra calories. BTW, I weighed myself and I'm at 158. After the horrible weekend, I'm glad I'm not up in the 160's, but I can't wait to get to my first goal, 145!!! Hopefully the weight will go down tomorrow; I've been drinking lots of water, and I probably won't eat much more today.

I keep listening to A Perfect Circle's "The Thirteenth Step," over and over.

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